Bowling Tournaments in Tennessee

USBC Bowling Tournaments in Tennessee

Explore the page and please find information about the upcoming USBC Bowling Tournaments in Tennessee.

These are the dates of tournament play in 2022. Click the individual links to find specific information for the tournament.

Tennessee USBC Women's Bowling Tournament (12/13 - 26/27 Mar 2o22), Cordova, TN

Tennessee USBC Youth State Bowling Tournament (2/3 - 9/10 Apr 2o22), Smyrna, TN

Tennessee USBC Mixed Bowling Tournament (4-19 Jun 2o22), Crossville, TN

Tennessee USBC US Youth Top 5 Bowling Tournament (10-12 Jun 2o22), Bartlett, TN

Tennessee USBC Senior Bowling Tournament TBD

Things to do in and Around Knoxville TN

Travel Planning to Knoxville TN

Air Fare, Hotels & Car Rental -

There are numerous options for air travel to the Knoxville, TN area. Multiservice travel options include TripAdvisor, Expedia, Priceline & Travelocity. With these, you can secure your flight, hotel, and car rental usually with some discount for bundling the three.

Alternatively, you can approach these separately and book air travel thru Delta, United Airlines, or US Air and connect directly to the Knoxville, TN airport.

The next task would be securing the car rental from the airport to your hotel destination. I prefer and recommend or alternatively Hotwire or AutoEurope. Of the several services, I rank National the highest since I get to pick my car and usually avoid lines signing up for service. Of course with the multi-car agency services that may not be the most affordable option.

And finally on to reserving your hotel. There are obviously numerous options in and around Knoxville, TN. My preferred brands are Hilton with the Hilton Honors program, Marriott, IHG (Holiday Inn Express), and Best Western. Strategize your hotel planning near the bowling sites in either case bowl well and be sure to take advantage of Knoxville's nightlife and daytime options or if you're adventurous take a drive over to picturesque Chattanooga.


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